How to convince parents to buy hearing aids for the elderly

Many families have encountered this kind of problem: with the increase of parents’ age, the hearing of the elderly in the family decreases, but no matter how much you persuade them to refuse to wear hearing aids, the elderly do not accept hearing aids, and the elderly maintain a rejection attitude towards hearing aids, so, how? Convince parents to wear hearing aids?

1.We need to let the elderly correctly understand that hearing aids are actually tools to assist hearing, and they are of the same nature as reading glasses that assist vision. Wearing hearing aids and reading glasses is a common thing. Fitting a suitable hearing aid can reduce a lot of inconvenience caused by hearing problems in life and communication. Moreover, the current hearing aids are small and invisible, and you can’t see them without careful observation. The price is cheap, and hearing aids are now electronic. High-tech products of the product category, can accept it and use it. We can share some new hearing aid information with parents to make it easier for the elderly to accept.

2.Most elderly people are very thrifty, especially they are reluctant to buy for themselves, so many elderly people immediately refuse to hear the price of hearing aids. Hearing aid products have low prices, and you can choose more cost-effective products according to the elderly’s own hearing conditions. It can solve communication barriers and improve listening ability.

3.It is very important for family members to accompany and support them: family members should have patience, correct communication methods, face-to-face communication with the elderly, and spend more time talking with the elderly, which will improve the hearing ability of the elderly.

After communicating with the elderly, I believe that there will be a good result. When dealing with the elderly, don’t be in a hurry, but slowly enlighten. For example, security issues. It is dangerous to walk on the road without hearing the sound behind. It is inconvenient to communicate with people, the other party thinks that you are arrogant, or you need the other party to communicate loudly, which also affects the relationship with the people around you. The sound of the TV at home is very loud, which affects the family’s study and rest. The elderly have hearing loss and wear appropriate hearing aids is important.

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